Investir à Dubai

Setting up a Mainland company

Création Société Mainland Dubaï Emirates

Are you looking to establish yourself professionally in Dubai and trade across the United Arab Emirates? The Mainland (LLC) is the ideal solution for you. With a Mainland company, you have the opportunity to offer your services throughout the UAE, whether it's B2B or B2C services or products. For the establishment of your Mainland company in Dubai, investirà supports you from A to Z.

From establishment to obtaining your resident visa, our team of experts handles your formalities and guides you through every step of the process.

Characteristics of Mainland:

  1. The mainland company, also known as an “LLC company” or “local company”, is the most common form of business in the UAE. Suitable for local businesses, liberal professions, restaurateurs, as well as distribution, logistics and transport companies.

  2. If your goal is to conduct business without any restrictions throughout the UAE, setting up a mainland company in Dubai is the best solution. Although, for many activities, you can now hold 100% of the shares, a local agent service is sometimes necessary to facilitate your procedures.

  3. Any Emirati can serve as a sponsor or service agent, however, it is better to collaborate with a trusted actor. Our company has been working with the same sponsors for over 10 years, selected according to rigorous criteria.

Example of a concrete case of establishing a Freezone company


It depends on the activity. Certain activities require association with an Emirati partner (sponsor)

A Mainland company allows you to invoice worldwide, including in the Emirates.

Mainland companies do not allow combining several activities

A simple domiciliation is sufficient to establish a Freezone company. There is no need for a physical office space.

Yes, it is possible to create the company remotely.

Opening bank accounts allows you to open multi-currency accounts, benefit from an international bank card, and have an online banking platform to manage your operations remotely.

All companies are subject to a 9% corporate income tax. In some cases, you may benefit from a zero tax rate. However, there is no personal income tax.

Yes, a Freezone company has a license that needs to be renewed annually.

There is no requirement to deposit the share capital.

You can create a company, obtain a resident visa, and continue living in your current country. However, you must visit once every 183 days to maintain your residency.

Yes, if you meet the necessary conditions.

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Our experts help you clarify your ideas and define the best strategy for your business in Dubai during free consultations.

Benefits of Mainland Companies

Businesses established on the Dubai mainland benefit from a total exemption of income tax.

There is no minimum capital requirement for setting up a business in mainland Dubai.

Mainland-based companies can freely conduct business with other companies in Dubai or the United Arab Emirates.

Companies on the continent have access to a wider range of business activities compared to companies in free zones.

Mainland businesses can choose any location in Dubai for their offices.

Businesses on the continent can obtain a number of visas proportional to the available office space.

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Thank you, I was able to establish my company in the United Arab Emirates with confidence. Their expertise and professionalism made the process straightforward and efficient.

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Gerald D
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